IXP Manager v6.4.2 Released - Sunsetting v6
Barry O'Donovan, November 22, 2024
IXP Manager v6 is now in a sunset state. The underlying technologies (PHP 8.0 and Laravel v9) have also reached end-of-life. We will continue to release updates to address any security issues until at least v7 is released and announced as stable. We plan to release IXP Manager v7 before the end of 2024.
IXP Manager at the 41st Euro-IX Forum
Barry O'Donovan, November 19, 2024
In our latest presentation at Euro-IX, we review the current 'state of the nation' for IXP Manager, briefly mention highlights from the v6 release, and then introduce v7 in detail.
Introducing IXP Manager v7 at RIPE 89
Barry O'Donovan, October 31, 2024
INEX will shortly make our first new major release of IXP Manager in over three years. Barry discusses what triggers a 'major' new release and some new features, including member diagnostics, a new configuration UI, and peer-to-peer graph ordering.
IXP Manager v6.4.1 Released -Polishing v6.4.0
Barry O'Donovan, June 9, 2024
Ten IXPs have upgraded since we released v6.4.0 just over two weeks ago. Thanks to all of them for their feedback and bug reports - especially Ed, Moritz and Nishal. v6.4.1 reflects their contributions and can be considered a polished, stable, production-ready release.
IXP Manager v6.4.0 Released - Route Server Resilience
Barry O'Donovan, May 24, 2024
This release provides significant new features for route server resilience, UI-based community filtering, and many smaller improvements and bug fixes.
PHP Developer Wanted - Help Build the Internet
Barry O'Donovan, February 8, 2024
The IXP Manager Sponsorship Program is seeking a PHP developer. This is an excellent opportunity for a developer who has an interest in networking engineering (no knowledge required) and internet plumbing, who enjoys contributing to open source software projects and participating in those projects' communities. You'll be working with network engineers who are experts in the field of IXPs and happy to share that knowledge. There's also the opportunity to travel and give talks if that's of interest.
IXP Manager v6.3.1 Released - XSS Security Fixes
Barry O'Donovan, June 20, 2023
This release primarily fixes a number of XSS security issues in IXP Manager. These were discovered and responsibly disclosed by the GRNET IT Security Team and we thank them for that.
IXP Manager v6.3.0 Released - Security Improvements
Barry O'Donovan, November 2, 2022
A commercial IT consultancy provider uses IXP Manager in one of their solutions. They had their overall solution reviewed by an internationally respected cyber security and risk assessor and then responsibly disclosed all of the issues and advice related to IXP Manager. These have been addressed in this release and are itemised in the release notes. We recommend all IXPs that use IXP Manager upgrade to this new version.
IXP Manager v6.2.0 Released
Barry O'Donovan, November 14, 2021
This release provides a long sought-after feature to allow for a differentiation between the declared port speed (where the IXP provides subrate connectivity) and that configured on the switch which may not match. Among some other small additions, we've also included support for per-facility graphs which are the aggregate of all peering ports excluding core/trunk ports in a given location.
IXP Manager v6.1.0 Released
Barry O'Donovan, September 15, 2021
We've known for sometime that the generation time for router configurations was sub-optimal. Added to this, a regression in v6.0.0 with the move to Eloquent caused an increased latency in the process. This release resolves that issue and provides a significant speed increase for generating router configuration - especially where you have members which huge prefix lists.